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Dental Admissions Test

What is the DAT?

The Dental Admissions Test (DAT) is the required standardized test in order to apply to dental schools in the US and Canada.  It is a multiple choice, computer-run test that is offered almost any time of the year.  The four test sections are Science (Biology, General Chemistry and Organic Chemistry), Perceptual Abilities Test (PAT), Quantitative Reasoning, and Reading Comprehension.  The total test takes slightly over four hours to complete.  Tests are taken at Prometric test centers, which are located throughout the country.  

For more info & to sign up, visit the ADA Website:


When should I take the DAT?

Your dental school application will not be considered complete until your official DAT scores are in.  That being said, try to take your DAT at least a few months before you plan on applying (applications open the first Monday of June).  If you want to retake the DAT, you must wait 90 days before you take it again so I suggest giving yourself enough time before you want to turn in your application to possibly take it again. Because studying for the DAT can be very time consuming, many students prefer to prepare for it during summer break.  


How and what should I study for the DAT?

This forum on Student Doctor Network is a great way to help you make a schedule for your DAT studying:

I followed most of the schedule and worked it around the time I had during the quarter, or modified it depending on which study materials I bought.  It is beneficial for you to know what kind of learner you are, visual or auditory, to decide what study materials will work the best.  Chad's videos are great for refreshing General Chemistry as he is very concise and will teach you DAT specific tips.  In my opinion, the DAT Destroyer was the BEST book for practice problems.  Crack the PAT software is helpful because it is the best representation of the format of the test you have before actually taking it.  It is a computer based test, so this software is helpful in getting you comfortable with the different buttons and controls that will be available on the test.  

Crack the PAT software:

Chad's Videos:

Chad's Videos discount:

DAT Bootcamp:

Gold Standard DAT:


Dedication is key to keeping yourself motivated throughout this process.  This test is a HUGE factor in your application and can possibly help outweigh some low grades, so take this period of time very seriously.  It is a pain but don't get discouraged, it's a great feeling once it is over!

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